Saturday, August 31, 2019

Leadership Path-Goal Theory

IntroductionLeadership is a serious task that has to betaken by those who are able to understand the society in an objective way. Certainly, the idea of becoming a leader requires serious thinking.   Becoming a leader requires efforts that start with personal development and adjustments. There are numerous theories and practices that help the hopeful leaders in becoming the person that they want to be. In the paper to follow, a reflection on one’s ability and self-improving processes would be discussed in the view of the author of this paper.Being a leader is a serious task that requires serious effort and determination to adjust on the part of the person who wants to pursue on being a leader in his or her own field of interest. As Peter Northouse refer to leadership as a â€Å"change that would affect the whole personality of an individual†(2006, 16). It is not true that leaders are born, they are made. Through self-restructuring of themselves, the leaders of today h ave sprung out from actually being nothing to becoming influential personalities in the human society.How? Because of their determination to make a change to the society that rooted out from the changes that they had to make on themselves in the first place. This is the reason why in this paper, a self-examination process shall be utilized to learn the importance of self-adjustment in becoming a leader. Leadership is one of the most common practices that is found and applied on the different organizations around the world. The need for governance has mainly increased the pressure on institutions specializing in educating aspiring leaders with the needed skills that they are expected to have when they are already working on their own fields of interest.Leadership for many is a virtue learned through the experience of becoming great followers. It requires effort and ample time before it could be said to be the perfect way of showing leadership.   It could be obviously seen how much the people who are considered leaders in the world are viewed as exemplary people and not as people who knows only to command and drives other to work. When it comes to the business industry, the character involving refined leadership is a must to be possessed by everyone. Yes, as leadership itself has strongly affected the lives of many people in the business industry, it indeed is an important character. The idea of being a leader itself is never that easy. Though, through careful and patient learning in adjusting one’s self to be able to adapt to the necessary needed characters of a leader, a refined leadership is never that impossible to acquire.When it comes to the definition of leadership, many groups or organizations have their own view of the characters and responsibilities involved in being a leader. As for example,   House defines â€Å"leadership† organizationally and narrowly as â€Å"the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members† (House, R. J. 2004: page 15). Indeed, the success of the leader would naturally determine the success of the organization he or she is acquainted with. This is the main reason why many people tend to really deeply learn the art of leadership. Mainly aiming to alleviate the effectiveness of one’s leadership skills, leadership schools and courses were opened especially regarding the business industries. This is the reason why the need for path-goal theory application is an insisted demand upon those individuals who are longing to become effective leaders of the organizations that they are aiming to serve.How the Path-Goal Theory is Effectively UtilizedThe path goal theory is more of a directive motivation on the part of the individuals who are aiming to become leaders of their own groups. The idea is to motivate themselves to motivate others. It is undeniable that people ge t personal motivation from different areas of life. They naturally get influenced by the different systems of understanding that they particularly grow fond of as they deal with the different challenges that they need to face as individuals everyday. These growth sources could be both derived from theoretical assessments of the situation along with the experiential measure of the situation. It is undeniably true that experience itself makes the theoretical background of each individual grow to a more applicable aspect of learning on the part of each person’s growth.Theoretical learning aspects could be sourced out from institutional instructions while that of the actual learning aspect could be sourced out from on the job trainings or from actual based experiences. Self-learned theories could be observed to have the personal impact of insisting administrative practice of leadership upon a person’s life. How could self-assessment be performed by an individual wanting to be an effective leader?Applying Personal Growth in Leading the GroupBeing a leader requires many humane aspects in different personality region. Mainly, it requires psychological stability for holding together the team which is to be lead or the subordinates, mental capacity for making critical reasoning and proper judgment, and sociological for relating with the people within the team. Certain traits aside from these are also much required such as interpersonal charisma and pleasing personality.All of these are vital in leadership because of the main fact that the people within the team will look up to him or her for the decisions, actions and guidance thus his or her responsibility is quite complex and morally challenging (Lashway, 1996). Since being a leader is an important task and it deals with people, performing it involves many moral and ethical aspects and if these issues are in contrast with the leader’s personal values then severe contradictions can occur. Thus, th e personal ethics is important in playing the role of a leader because whatever the leader’s moral values are will reflect to his team thus influencing their performance and relationshipBefore making a decision, critically analyzing the consequences and the action itself will provide some ethical enlightenment to the problem that is being faced. Though taking the job, which is considered unethical, would not compromise the moral values of the person, it will surely affect the conscience and the performance of the person and being a leader, this scenario would not post pleasant environment. Considering the impact of the unethical nature of the company would give the applicant a broader contextual perception of the dilemma. (Center for Ethics and Business, 2006).Thus, by looking at the problem completely then other perspective can be considered such as the consequences that the person can do to influence the ethical position of the company. As a leader in the company, the perso n can establish certain ethical policies that can promote positive outcomes instead of solely focusing on the negative aspect of the company. As an example, making policies and regulation that strongly prohibits smoking among the minors or launching campaigns educating the public regarding ideas of moderate smoking which would increase the pleasant appeal of the company to the society.It may sound very idealistic but it will surely affect the ethical and moral perception of the people with the company thus reflecting positive economic asset to the enterprise itself. A leader has the responsibility to promote the moral values and ethics in his or her work place and this also includes the company’s image itself. By being a leader, a person powers can extend to aspect such as creating an ethical environment regarding the employment he or she pursue with moral adhesion. Instead of seeing a certain job as something unethical, consider a perspective of how a person can make a certa in job ethical for himself or herself and the social community they belong lived in.Dealing with such issues of organizational assistance of truthfully realizing their organization’s worth to the society should be faced with the leader with integrity and power over what is wrong. How does he know what is wrong? The theoretical background that he may have learned from school or other instructional institutions that he has attended may as well serve well in these particular situations. Whereas on the other hand, his personal experiences on the matter could profoundly assist him in making considerable decisions that are bound to do something that is progressive for the entire business.The present world is beset with problems that defy solution. So as to be able to meet the challenges of becoming a fine leader for the majority, this paper then requires personal adjustments on a hopeful leader. As it is believed by Northouse, a leader is someone who has competencies in changing th e society by starting within himself. (2006, 25) Yes, changing the society is a large responsibility. Providing the people of what they need is a vital part of the responsibilities of being a leader.A hopeful leader could not attain the said goals and complete the said responsibilities without working on his personality first. Not unless he is able to reach his best potential as a person would he be able to bring out the best potential on others that could help them attain their dreams as well. Yes, personal development is essential for creating a leader within one’s self. Realizing one’s personal capabilities and limitations would help one recognize that others too have their own limitations and capabilities. People who have the capability of seeing people as persons who are capable of improving and developing are the ones who become successful leaders of the society.Applying the Leadership Concepts as Learned from Theory and ExperienceThere are different issues of le adership that each person faces in terms of organizational administration. It is indeed helpful that one knows how to deal with each situation as one actually differs from the other. There are at least five major ways of leadership that could be applied in this particular situation of personal growth.Model the WayThis particularly refers to the ability of the appointed leaders to become role models for other members of the group. The fact that they are placed in position, means that they have a certain characteristic that is   particularly inspiring. The utilization of the said character shall help the leader set a pattern for others to follow. Once the road has been set, the reality of success is not that hard to foresee.Inspire a Shred VisionUnity is one of the primary reasons behind the success of different organizations. Once each member is able to envision the real goal of the organization as to where they are actually headed to, the inspiration begins. Indeed, everyone has t he right to get involved in what is happening and thus be able to understand where the direction of the group is taking them.Challenge the ProcessChallenging the process does not mean changing the procedures of the organization abruptly. With ample time of adjustment and informing the members of the changes that are to be made, the procedural changes could occur. From this particular way, the organization is beginning to open its doors to other alternatives of meeting the goals of the group. However, to do so, careful planning and examination of the possibilities should be done.Enable Others to ActIncluding other members of the group within the system of procedural arrangements is one type of motivation that makes everyone in the organization feel that they are of great use for the achievement of the group’s goal. Hence, achieving the goals with them leaves them with the satisfaction of work that they primarily expect from the group upon joining.Encourage the HeartSimply invo lving the members within the job are not enough. Leaders ought to encourage their members through making them realize of their worth to the group. To do so, the leaders are expected to be able to figuratively touch the hearts of the members of the group so as to empower them to perform better not only for the organization’s sake but for their own benefit as well.Through the consideration given to the five steps of leadership as enlisted above, it could be expected that the appointed authorities would be equipped with the necessary skills that they need to set a straight path for success for the entire organization. However, to do so, it should be remembered that the effective utilization of empowering communication should be applied as well. Without the existence of the said connection between the leaders, the victory that is being achieved may not become reality at all.ConclusionSetting path-goal theory as a major source of improvement upon organizations is a primary effecti ve process of strengthening the capability of the leaders and of the other members as well to face the different issues that the entire groups need to face with everyday.   This particularly means that the changes that organizations are required to meet every now and then require an ample amount of patience and courage from the leaders. Aside from that, it also requires sturdiness when it comes to decision making on the part of the leaders.The policy of â€Å"what must be implemented must be implemented† should always be carried on through by the leaders with an ample scaling of the ethical values that are involved within the situation. Yes, the fact that leadership is not an easy challenge that needs to be conscientiously met identifies the qualities and the attitudes that leaders or aspiring organizational head personnel should posses. Hence, a leader is then supposed to face the said challenges in full courage and knowledge of the strategies that need to be applied in pa rticular situations that they are to meet.Changes need to happen individually. However, making a leader out of one’s self is not an easy task. As they say, the worst enemy one could ever have is one’s own self. This is why learning the art of leadership requires the determination to do well on the said matter. If one is determined to become the best leader he could be, he should be able to accept self-changes and adjustments to be able to attain the goals of becoming and efficient leader. Hence by becoming individually effective as a leader, the learning of theoretical leadership along with the implication of the learning that one gains from experience could be established well as part of the major aspects of application that could be utilized for establishing a fine practice of leadership as per noted by an individual upon himself and his colleagues as well. Through personal assessment of the matter, motivating people would become an easier task on the part of the lea der himself.References:Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (2003) Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Howard Garland. Relation of Effort-Performance Expectancy to Performance in Goal-Setting Experiments. Departments of Management and Psychology, The University of Texas at Arlington. Journal of Applied Psychology. 1984, Vol 69, No 1, 79-84.Thomas W. Lee. Explaining the Assigned Goal-Incentive Interaction: The Role of Se/f-Efficacyand Personal Goals. Journal of Management 1997, Vol. 23, No. 4, 541-559.

Globalization in Canada

Globalization in Canada Canada is considered to be one of the biggest countries worldwide, yet as far as it gets from other countries, globalization seems to have a strong impact on the people regardless of what it offers from products and/or services from abroad, it may seem to have taken some of Canada away to the rest of the world too.Globalization is affecting most of the aspects that control life in Canada, from social aspects, to economical aspects, also reaching to as far as to political aspects, and that may have pushed us ten steps ahead, yet it has blinded us through a few. This has resulted in separating people from each other, where as the immigration of people to Canada is now separating the people of Canada from each other (Gerges, 2006), for example, poor immigrants live in poor communities while other Canadians with more resources (money, land, investments†¦ tc. ) are moving to better and newer suburbs by themselves. (Gerges, 2006) One other issue adding to the p eoples fears is that they are afraid that foreigners are going to take credit for what Canadians did, just like what happened with Alexander Graham Bell, where he conducted most of research and work on the telephone in Canada, and now the United States of America is taking credit that the telephone has been made there. Gerges, 2006) As David Kilgour, (2000), says in his website that globalization aims for a borderless world, this has actually resulted in providing ease in laws affecting foreign imports and international trade, which in return provided more choice for Canadians as consumers, leading to higher satisfaction. (Daniels, 1996) it â€Å"has led to forming a world government to normalize the existing interaction among countries,† (EconomyWatch), strengthening the rights of countries in addition to the bonds between each.According to a discussion paper by Ronald Daniels, (1996), investors are now free from abiding by Canadian laws regarding manufacturing, and certain issues, and are now free to move their factories and/or companies to other locations, which negatively affects Canadian exports and international sales. Globalization, however, has decreased unemployment in Canada since most foreign companies open remote of? ces and showrooms in Canada, resulting in employment of the people, eventually helping the economical aspects of the people, and ? nally the country itself.To some people, globalization seems to have a tightening effect on the people of Canada (Gerges, 2006), but in my point of view, I believe that due to globalization, all the countries, including Canada, are now in rapport with each other, in addition to business being connected and intertwined, Canada is now dependent on other countries, likewise all the countries on each other and Canada, yet it has helped in making Canada more independent, and it has strengthened relations between people, where Canada and its people are known for their hospitality, and their welcoming to di fferent cultures, different people, and different mentalities from all over the world. This has resulted in strengthening the morals of people, and the principle of equity in between people. Globalization has not only helped in doing all this, but it made Canada what is it now; a place for and with everything, and everyone.REFERENCES Gerges, Andrew. (2006) Effects of Globalization on Canada. Docstoc. September 18, 2011, from http://www. docstoc. com/docs/21489192/Effects-of-Globalization-on-Canada Daniels, Ronald. (1996) Canadian Corporate Governance Policy Options. Industry Canada. September 18, 2011, from http://www. ic. gc. ca/eic/site/eas-aes. nsf/eng/ra01011. html Kilgour, David. (2000) Canada and Globalization. David Kilgour. September 18, 2011, from http://www. david-kilgour. com/secstate/globali3. htm Stanley St. Labs. Effects of Globalization. EconomyWatch. September 18, 2011, from http:// www. economywatch. com/economics-theory/globalization/effects. html

Friday, August 30, 2019

Habeas Corpus and the War on Terror Essay

In this paper I will be diving in to the history of Habeas Corpus and how it has evolved over the years. I will briefly explain the origination of the habeas corpus, the role it plays in U. S. A and what current action is being taken about it. I will be also looking in to the Bush administration and the way they dealt with habeas corpus. The original purpose of habeas corpus â€Å"was to bring people into court rather than out of imprisonment† and by the year 1230, the writ’s utility for that purpose was a well-known aspect of English common law. Known as â€Å"the Great Writ,† its codification into English law came by way of Parliament in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1641, created in response to the King of England’s actions during what is now referred to as Darnell’s Case. In Darnell, five English noblemen were thrown â€Å"into the castle’s dungeon deep† for failure to support their country’s dual wars against France and Spain. The men filed suit, requesting the King provide an explanation as to their imprisonment. King Charles refused, on review; the court upheld the monarchy’s steadfast silence, stating that the law did not require the King to provide any justification for their detention. The public outcry against this decision was deafening, prompting Parliamentary action the following year. Parliament expanded habeas rights several years later with the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, additionally requiring â€Å"charges to be brought within a specific time period for anyone detained for criminal acts. † By 1765, habeas corpus was firmly imbedded within the foundation of English law, as noted by William Blackstone, who described the Great Writ as â€Å"a second magna carta, a stable bulwark of our liberties. This fundamental English right successfully traversed the Atlantic Ocean when our founders incorporated the doctrine of habeas corpus into the U. S. Constitution. As stated, â€Å"The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. Known as the â€Å"Suspension Clause,† this provision specifically places the ability to suspend habeas corpus in the hands of Congress only during times of rebellion or invasion. Despite the clarity of the clause, the American debate on habeas corpus only begins at this point. The ‘Great Writ’ of habeas corpus has long had an iconic status as the ‘writ of liberty’ which ensured that no person could be detained in prison without being put to trial by a jury of his peers. According to the traditional version, popularized by Whiggish constitutional writers from the late seventeenth century onwards, the English constitution as embodied in the common law had, since time immemorial, striven to protect the fundamental rights of Englishmen and women, which included the right to personal liberty obban, M. & Halliday, P. D. (2011). Habeas Corpus is an ancient common law prerogative writ – a legal procedure to which you have an undeniable right. It is an extraordinary remedy at law. Upon proper application, or even on naked knowledge alone, a court is empowered, and is duty bound, to issue the Extraordinary Writ of Habeas Corpus commanding one who is restraining liberty to forthwith produce before the court the person who is in custody and to show because why the liberty of that person is being restrained. Absent a sufficient showing for a proper restraint of liberty, the court is duty bound to order the restraint eliminated and the person discharged. Habeas Corpus is fundamental to American and all other English common law derivative systems of jurisprudence. It is the ultimate lawful and peaceable remedy for adjudicating the providence of liberty’s restraint. Robertson. J, (2002). After the attacks of 11 September 2001, came the war in Afghanistan followed by the war in Iraq: a two-pronged engagement collectively known as the Global War on Terror As U. S. rmed forces captured enemy combatants by the M35 truckload, the Bush administration pondered how to systematically detain such persons in a manner that would provide adequate detention while maintaining intelligence-gathering capabilities vital to the war efforts. The answer was found on the island of Cuba: Guantanamo Bay. U. S. naval forces have occupied this site since 1903, and it seemed to provide the perfect solution. Relying on the Court’s previous precedent in Johnson v. Eisentrager, govemment officials believed that keeping enemy combatants outside the realm of U.  S. territory would preclude such individual’s filing, among other things, claims for habeas corpus review. The govemment’s legal position was tested almost as quickly as the detainees arrived. Beginning in 2002, the United States transported captured enemy combatants to the area of Guantanamo Bay known as â€Å"Camp X-Ray. Applications for writs of habeas corpus by Guantanamo detainees were made as early as February 2002. In Coalition of Clergy v. Bush, the U. S. District Court for the Central District of California first approached this issue in line with govemment expectations. Relying on Johnson v. Eisentrager, the court held that several U. S. citizens under the â€Å"Coalition of Clergy, Lawyers, and Professors† who had filed â€Å"show cause† petitions on behalf of enemy combatants held at Guantanamo Bay lacked â€Å"standing to assert claims on behalf of the detainees. † The court further concluded that, â€Å"even if petitioners did have standing, this court lacked jurisdiction to entertain those claims. Moreover, the court found that no federal court would have jurisdiction over petitioners’ claims, so there is no basis to transfer this matter to another federal district court. Because Guantanamo Bay remained outside U. S. sovereignty, the case closely mirrored that of Eisentrager As a result, the United States failed to maintain jurisdiction and the court dismissed the petition. In response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force which grants the President power â€Å"‘to use all necessary and appropriate force'† against all who either participated in any way in those attacks or gave refuge to those who participated. Under this authority, the Department of Defense ordered several â€Å"enemy combatants† to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay for detention. In Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, a plurality of the Court recognized that the ability to detain individuals engaged in armed conflict against the United States was â€Å"so fundamental and accepted an incident to war as to be an exercise of the ‘necessary and appropriate force’ Congress has authorized the President to use. Notwithstanding this explicit sanction of detention, the Court held that the â€Å"citizen-detainee seeking to challenge his classification as an enemy combatant must receive notice of the factual basis for his classification, and a fair opportunity to rebut the Government’s factual assertions before a neutral decision maker. † The Court suggested that this could be done â€Å"by an appropriately authorized and properly constituted military tribunal. † Pond, B. C. (2009). The rationale for the U. S. detention policy derives from the Bush administration’s comprehensive military order issued on November 13, 001, which is intended to govern the â€Å"Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War against Terrorism. † Purportedly modeled after a proclamation and military order issued by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War II, President Bush’s military order limits the use of military commissions to any non-citizen for whom the president determines: is or was a member of al Qaeda, has committed, aided or abetted, or conspired to commit terrorist acts, or has knowingly harbored one or more of these individuals. Several months after the issuance of this military order, the administration began using the term â€Å"enemy combatant† to describe those subject to detention and trial by military commission. The administration’s definition of enemy combatant, however, has varied over time. The administration sometimes uses the â€Å"enemy combatant† label as a term of art to describe a new and unique category of combatant in the post 9/11 world. On other occasions, the administration uses the term generically to describe what traditionally has been called lawful and unlawful combatants, while at other times the term is used synonymously with unlawful combatants. According to this definition, the term â€Å"enemy combatant† is not limited to war combatants alone, but includes anyone who has aided terrorist organizations fighting against the United States, including those who may have unwittingly given financial support to al Qaeda. The Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a slightly different definition of â€Å"enemy combatant† on March 23, 2005. According to Joint Publication 3-63, entitled â€Å"Joint Doctrine for Detainee Operations,† the term enemy combatant describes â€Å"a new category of detainee† and â€Å"includes, but is not necessarily limited to, a member or agent of Al Qaeda, Taliban, or another international terrorist organization against which [the] United States is engaged in an armed conflict. † Staab, J. B. (2008). Conclusion The premise behind habeas corpus as stated is to bring people into court rather than out of imprisonment. However in my opinion, during the Bush administration, they found a way around this law so as to not have to give a trial. While I want justice like the next person, I would not like to be in a situation where I am being held under the pretence that I a criminal without evidence or a trial. I am not saying that the people held were/are innocent, but I can’t help but to think we cannot be sure. I think that capturing these people were also done out of revenge and thus not urging anyone to think of their right. The 9/11 attack was gut ranching and frankly something I never want to experience again, so I do understand the need to talk less and carry a big stick. From an honest stand point, after 9/11 I was scared to do anything, while I am of no Middle Eastern decent, I look like an Indian person from India, that meant no one ask you where you are from when they look at you suspiciously. Even with all the rights I have in the U. S. A if I was suspected of being suspicious and someone higher and more powerful said that I had dealing with terrorists activities, no one will honestly believe me because of the way I look. Bring me to my point that without a trial we cannot tell for sure of the people being held in Cuba was innocent or guilty without a trail.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Econometrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Econometrics - Essay Example The classical linear regression model is written such that the coefficients of the independent variables measure the sensitivities of the dependent variable on the independent variables. It is usually assumed that there is an error term which measures the unexplained variance of the dependent variable that is not accounted for by the independent variable. Therefore, only a proportion of the variance is explained by the regression analysis. c) Any particular normal distribution can be related to the normal distribution because the normality assumption allows us to perform statistical tests concerning the estimated parameters using the normal distribution and related tests involving chi-square, t-distributions and F-distributions. d) It is not appropriate to take natural logarithms of interest rates, expressed as percentages because natural logarithms of interest rates are taken to minimize autocorrelations and render the interest rates scale free. However, interest rates expressed as percentages are scale free and uncorrelated already and therefore there is no need to take natural logarithms again. e) The Durbin Watson statistic can be used to estimat... ( 2. a) Omitting a significant variable from a regression analysis overstates the marginal impact of other variables in the model. For example, lets consider the impact of education on earnings. This relationship can be written in the form of a regression model as follows: (1) (Greene, 2003: p. 9). The above regression neglects the possibility that most people have higher incomes when they are older than when they are young, regardless of their education. (Greene, 2003: p. 9). Thus overstates the marginal impact of education on earnings. If age and education are positively related, then the regression model will associate all the observed increases in income with increases in education. Therefore a better way to study the determinants of income is to include the effects of age in the regression as follows: (2) according to Greene (2003: p. 9) earnings tend to rise less rapidly in the later earning years than in the early ones. To accommodate this possibility, the above model can be extended as follows: (3) (Greene, 2003: p. 9). b). Regression analysis studies the relationship between two or more variables. One variable is considered independent while two or more variables are considered to be independent. (Anderson et al, 2005). The aim of the regression analysis is to measure how changes in the dependent variable are explained by changes in the independent variables. Including an insignificant variable as one of the independent variables may minimize the effects of the actual variable causing the variation in the independent variable. Like in the example above, if truly age is not a determinant of income as

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Proponents of the Defamation Act 2013 hailed it as a milestone for Essay

Proponents of the Defamation Act 2013 hailed it as a milestone for freedom of expression. In light of this, critically consider whether and to what extent the Act has the effect that is attributed to it - Essay Example As of October 2013, most High Court judges had thrown out two dozens of cases brought forward by wealthy people or foreigners about claims published mostly by the media. This has curbed the behaviour of people of exploiting England courts. Throwing out most of the cases, Judges have described claimants endeavours as an abuse of law or process, claiming that it they were harming the England and Wales reputation by making their country seem like they do not respect peoples’ freedom of expression. Allowing such case to move on endangers unequal and needless interference with freedom of expression. Judges today are stressing that claimants have to present considerable harm to their repute in England courts in order for the suits to succeed. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to take your claim to court. This is a significant ruling because it now prevents people for making use of the law when the matter is not that

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The explanation of the various management problems Essay

The explanation of the various management problems - Essay Example All of these fields are characterized with problem solving and decision making on the various management issues which is vital to the success and better performance of any organization in the context of the various department that are comprised in an organization. Through the study the student is able to make accurate, reliable and valid decisions on the management issues following the procedures and the guidelines that are consistent, feasible and in conformity with the better management practice and theories that aim at solving the underlying problems. With the effect of globalization and the advent of the new technologies taking its action in the various organizations, management has become an important tool and a vital aspect in the achievement of the set goals and objectives thus emerging the need to have a quality management team that is able to deliver the goal and objectives of the organization. Solving management problems requires the student to have adequate skills, qualifi cations and extensive understanding on the management and leadership which involves decision making. Although decision making has the tendency of being a natural and characterized with personal attributes it is important to integrate the various concepts of the management to improve the management decision quality and effectiveness. This implies that the management theories are acts as the facilitators of an effective, reliable, consistent and valid decisions made by the individual students who are the prospective managers of the various fields of management in the various contexts. The management theories assist management master’s degree students to be able to accurately interlink the management problem solving and the management decisions that are made at the various levels of management depending on the situation of an organization. The study of the management masters degree enables the students as potential managers to be able to apply the basic principles, laws and guid elines of the management process with the aim of optimally utilizing resources which are bound to be scarce. This process involves minimizing cost with anticipated maximum profitability and returns, and the whole process is facilitated by the modern management science and the availably technologies. In the field of management science and engineering the students of master’s degree will have acquired skills from the general management theories, operations management which is the core functional strategy of an engineering field, management system engineering, and information technology management - all these are incorporated with the decision making, game theory and the organizational theory. These theories mainly involve the designing of the economics management in engineering and the evaluation methods of the best engineering management practices. Secondly, there is the business administration where the study of the management theories is applied in the management of the corp oration businesses as well as the non-profit making organization. The

Monday, August 26, 2019

Evaluating the Sustainability of a Development Plan Assignment

Evaluating the Sustainability of a Development Plan - Assignment Example The interconnectivity of the town is one factor that has been considered in the design considering the need for people to travel or move from various locations and accomplish their missions in the process. The Green Square Railway Station will be a major transport feature connecting various parts of the city and the outside world. Most important in the development of the sustainable development plan for Green Square is the features that have been put in place to conserve water and reduce the emission of green house gases (Green Square Town Centre 2011). One of the core objectives of the design is to achieve carbon neutrality among the communities. The Green Square area is located in a place that is desirable for community living. One of the main activities that will be involved in the development plan will be the cleaning and revitalization of the South Sydney Hospital site. Among the activities at this stage will be the removal of environmentally unfriendly substances such as asbest os, light fittings and lead-based paints by specialists and using the best conceivable processes City of Sydney (2011). Some of the features that will be installed in the hospital area include a purification plant. Storm water from the plant will be used to flush toilets and irrigate parks. An automatic waste collection system as well as a trigeneration energy system for the production of low carbon energy will form part of the package. In order to reduce emissions, cycling and walking paths will be provided according to City of Sydney (2011). Strategic and Regulatory Context The sustainable development plan debate in Australia is wide and ranges from environmental, social to economic issues and it has major implications on all businesses. As a result, the... This paper stresses that the development of Green Square is bound to achieve its outlined objectives to a high level. For instance in the case of environmental development there has been effective recycling of waste making the environment cleaner, this has led to less deposit in land fills. The state has also managed to control pollution to a greater percentage than before. Soil erosion has also been reduced thus making the land more fertile. Moreover in the case of economic development there has been proper resource management and development. The economic viability of the state has also improved and there is has been appropriate and economically liable land use. In terms of social development the state has maintained excellence is service delivery to he community. There have also been established safe roads and the community has been sensitized on safety issues. There is also he establishment of several; local, historical and cultural organizations which are well sustained. This report makes a conclusion that some issues related to development in Green Square have been more difficult to address than others. This can be attributed to various factors, for instance, the poor distribution of resources in the area which has caused some areas to lag behind in development. There is also the inadequate funding and resources to ensure development and its sustainability. The reliance on donor countries has also caused these difficulties since to get these donors has been a difficult issue.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

Humanities - Essay Example Apparently, tale one and tale three exemplify the theme of search for power as characters in the tales strain to achieve power. Tale one’s storyteller was Panfillo. The story reflects back during 400 AD. The hidden message was to criticize the Roman Catholic Church as it was practicing unlawful acts against individuals who had not subscribed to the Roman Catholic religion. The story is about a wicked businessperson named Ser Cepparello, however, most people referred to him as Ciapelleto due to his delinquent behavior. Ciapelleto had travel to Burgundy for business purposes and a favor to his friend Musciatto Franzesi. Unfortunately, Ciapelleto falls ill during his stay at Burgundy. Luckily, the Florentile brothers took and housed him until he recovered. Ciapelleto took advantage of the Florentile brothers and lies to them about his story. Unknowingly, the Friar believed him and revered him as a saint. In the story, the teller explains how people unknowingly upraise the Roman Catholic Church without knowing the evil part of the church (Kuhns, 516). The author expresses the theme of power by delineating how individuals, regardless of their action, strain to achieve power. Ciapelleto represents the Roman Catholic Church. He explains that the Roman Catholic Church is an unjust church as the leaders subject the believers to lies in order to achieve power and authority. Tale three in the Decameron also demonstrates the theme of search for power. The author for tale three was Filomena. Filomena expressed the theme of search for power using the co-existence among the Jews, Medieval, Boccaccio, and the Renaissance authors. Filomena had experienced the relationship levels among the groups (Kuhns, 512). For this reason, he wanted to depict the actual image of the ties. Apparently, most individuals among the groups had little or no information concerning the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Financial Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Marketing Financial Services - Essay Example Hence, they started to follow and implement free trade policies that encourage multinational companies to enter into the global markets. Ultimately, overall market became competitive and matured. Monopoly market structure has become very rare and oligopoly becomes prominent. Hope and Maeleng have defined free trade policy as â€Å"competition-enhancing device† (Hope and Maeleng, 1998, p.52). The international and domestic countries started to compete with each other on price, better service, customer satisfaction etc for achieving greater market share. In this respect, to gain competitive advantage in market, the post modern organisations are using latest management tools, theories and models developed by many experts, critics and scholars. Financial services industry consist a number of financial services sectors like banking sectors, insurance, security market, factoring, credit ratings etc. With increased activities of trade and business and intensified competition, the imp ortance of these financial services sectors has grown significantly. This paper will attempt to present and SWOT analysis of American International Group (AIG) which is one the most popular financial service organisation. In order to indentify its major internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats, this paper will analyse important areas of this organisation like its customer relationship managements, marketing tools used the company, major issues and its mechanism of control system. Finally, the overall findings of this paper will be summed up in the conclusion. Brief Overview of American International Group (AIG) American International Group Inc. (AIG) is one of the popular insurance services providers in US and in global market. Primarily, it is a New York-based company and it is considered to be one of the most prominent market leaders in global insurance sector. AIG is a multinational company and offers its insurance services in more than 130 countries in the world. The company has acquired a large base of customers and its consumers primarily consist of institutional, commercial and individual clients. The major market share of the company comes from its domestic market i.e. from United States. In this market, the AIG offer retirement services and life insurance. With better performance, it has acquired an upper hand position in U.S. insurance sector. Along with the domestic market, AIG’s stocks are also listed in Tokyo and Ireland Stock exchange (American International Group, Inc-a, 2011). While tracing the history of AIG, its primary origin is found in Shanghai, China during 1919. However, later during the 1940s due to political issues, the company withdrew from the Chinese market. â€Å"AIG abandoned China completely in 1949, as the Communist People’s Liberation Army, led by Mao Zeding, advanced on Shanghai† ( H.W. Wilson Company, 2000, p.247). In U.S., the AIG had been formed by consolidating three compan ies and its multiple affiliates. These leading three companies are New Hampshire Insurance Company, American Home Assurance Company and National Union Fire Insurance Company. Since its inception, AIG has undergone through many significant occurrences like mergers and acquisitions. SunAmerica Inc was merged with AIG on January 01, 1999. In November 2000, the company

Friday, August 23, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economics - Essay Example Economists Brad DeLong and Stephen Cohen have expressed in their book, The End of Influence that as other nations are rapidly gaining economic power, people will soon experience a major change in life style. People have conventionally tried to associate themselves with America in terms of culture and life style because Americans, being rich, have been idealized. In the recent years, the free-market capitalism has put American economical stability into crisis and has transferred the power to the economy of emerging nations as India, China and Latin America. This transfer of economical power will soon put an end to the long sustained dominance of American ideology, culture and fashion over other nations. This will essentially be an end of â€Å"the neoliberal dream†. It is being realized that in early 2000s, policymakers in America unnecessarily became too satisfied with the trends of economical power and stability whereas the actual situation required them to think otherwise. S ome economists are of the view that banks should look forward to an inflation target of 4 % instead of the targeted 2 % so that they can manipulate things as required. Blanchard suggests that raising the inflation now would ease the monetary policy during financial crisis, and the fiscal positions would thus be saved considerably.

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

5 - Assignment Example † All organizations need to realize the important of human resources and the value they give to the firm via their services. Human resource functions are critical for all companies regardless of their niche or size. The employees of the organization are the main resources that execute the objectives of the firm. However, while setting a human resource unit, an organization should look at the service composition of the department. These may include payroll and tax administration, legal compliance, liability protection, negotiation of benefits, administration of benefits, acquisition of talent, hiring employees, managing performance, leadership training, attendance and time monitoring, employee development, and guidance and review on termination. All these specific functions of human resource management need to be performed in a systematic mode so that all needs of the employees are catered by the firm in a successful manner. Performing human resource management functions success fully will allow organizations to gain a strong competitive edge in the business market. According to a 2010 study by the Human Resource Professionals Association (HRPA), chief executives believe that their human resource departments are crucial components of their businesses (3). Regarding performance, the study documented that senior HR is as essential as any other organizational pillar of a company. Fifty per cent of chief executives in the study had led their companies through enormous growth from 2008 to 2010. The other half had been leaders of companies that went through severe economic challenges during the same period that led to downsizing. In the two cases, the HR department contributed significantly to the management of effective work levels. This was crucial for the resilience of the organizations during the time of turbulence ("The Role and Future of HR"). The chief executives of the companies that experienced growth, acknowledged the importance of HR in attracting tale nt. The ones from companies that downsized were of the opinion that the most critical contribution of HR was in ensuring that the communication with employees remained transparent during the difficult times. They also helped in retaining the best talent. Retaining talented employees is crucial for long term success as market is becoming competitive with every passing day. From the study, it is clear that the HR department is a business partner that has the ability to see a company through moments of great success and economic threats alike. Consequently, a weak HR department would help bring a company to an early demise ("The Role and Future of HR"). Therefore, it is important for all organizations to ensure that they have a competitive HR department to manage their human resources. How Poor, Neglected â€Å"Operations† Is in Fact the Ugly Duckling That Can Mature Into A Swan Many MBA graduates avoid working in the operations departments of organizations because they hold the se areas with a low opinion. The fresh MBAs have in mind that these jobs are done by low qualified people and hence they do not accept such offers. Most companies are out to improve their operations to attract more talent because without operations businesses cannot exist. The second part of this paper provides information on how a company can improve its operations. Over the past five years, most companies have experienced a slump in their growth. At the same time, the costs of sales and marketing have been increasing.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Book “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” Essay Example for Free

The Book â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† Essay The Book â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† has stirred up much controversy over the years after it was published and issued to the public. This work of literature has been argued about for many years. The Book has been attacked for reasons such as racism, bad grammar, obscenity, atheism and low moral tone. But then again others say otherwise such as Lionel Trifling who stated it to be a masterpiece. There are many mixed opinions about this book. These controversies will be explained and explored in deeper detail as we move on. For example, in 1988 a parent of a student attending high school in Tempe Arizona was attempting to sue the school stating that the environment was already racially tense and that the book â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† intensified by it being the required reading list. Many others were requesting for this book to be banned from the required reading list but did not succeed for reasons of that the school district should take steps to reduce racial tension. However, after the board rejecting the ban on the novel for so many times in other areas the book was finally removed from the curriculum in New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois it was removed from the reading lists and school libraries. Arguably the most outspoken opposition to the book is John Wallace a former administrator at the Mark Twain Intermediate School despite this protest the principal refused to ban it but was later overruled by the superintendent who stated it was â€Å"racist trash. † Mark Twain is most shunned for his violent use of the word â€Å"nigger† or the n-word. Large amounts of controversy fall on the fact that schools were segregated when this book was originally printed but now they had been unsegregated the African American students and parents were offended by this text being read to and read by their children. Some students even saying while reading it in class that they felt â€Å"embarrassed† by it. â€Å"I can still recall the anger I felt as my white classmates read aloud the word nigger. In fact, as I write this letter I am getting angry all over again. I wanted to sink into my seat. Some of the whites snickered, others giggled. I can recall nothing of the literary merits of this work that you term the greatest of all American novels. I only recall the sense of relief I felt when I would flip ahead a few pages and see that the word nigger would not be read that hour. † This quote was written in a letter to his school about the Book. As you can see the African American students did not take much pleasure to the disrespect and embarrassment this book came with. The Novel â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† caused an immense amount of controversy over the years. Some still argue the point of its racist and demoralizing factors to this day. Some Parents and teachers still believe it is degrading and embarrassing to the African American students and believe it should no longer be printed. But many others think it is a great example of American heritage and lifestyle of that time period. Should it be banned completely or should anyone with desire to read it be able to do it at will. That’s up to you?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Managing Financial Resources Decision Making Finance Essay

Managing Financial Resources Decision Making Finance Essay Preface I have written this assignment mainly to complete course requirement of HND 1st semester. My assignment is related to the subject named as Managing Financial Resources and Decision Making. I collected most information for this assignment from internet, my course book and mostly from the notes that I had collected from class lectures. Though I suffered bit difficulties in completing this assignment but it was pretty interesting and full of experience. I hope my work will be esteemed. Scenario: Mr. Javed wants to invest 5 million in a business project in Pakistan. Some of his friends are willing to invest their capital with Mr. Javed but Mr. Javed does not want to have partnership with someone. My advice: There are three types of businesses available for Mr. Javed which includes sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Sole proprietorship: (one owner) It is a form of business which is run and managed by single person. Explanation: It does not mean that sole proprietorship type of business will not have workers or assistants; it may have workers or assistants. In partnership profit or loss belongs to the owner. In such type of business the owner of the business is taxed not the business. Advantages: Such type of business is less expensive. Usually this type of business does not require a lot of legal formalities. Disadvantages: liabilities are unlimited that is personal assets can be claimed. Owner cannot leave business for long time that you cannot go for holidays etc because the business is totally dependent to the owner. Life of the business depends upon the life of the owner. Partnership: (two or more owners) As its name indicates it is such type of business in which two or more owners are involved. Explanation: partnership is basically an agreement, this can be written or verbal there is not rule from the government that agreement of partnership should be written but mostly owners prefer written agreement. In partnership business profit and loss and distributed among partners according to the agreement. In such type of business the owners of the business are taxed not the business. Advantages: It does not require a lot of legal formalities. Life of the business can be certain that it depends upon the agreement and partners. Less amount of capital is required to run such business. Disadvantage: Decision making is difficult in such type of business. Too many conflicts may rise in such type of business. Liabilities are unlimited which means that personal assets can be claimed. Corporation: (company) It is such type of business in two or more than two owners are involved, it is an artificial person, companys ownership is different from management. Explanation: In such type of business owner is called as shareholder and shareholder provide capital for running this business. The business is run by managers which are selected by Board of Directors and Managers. Profit and loss is distributed among shareholders, which is called as dividend. In corporation type of business, business is taxed not the owners. Advantages: Owner is can be easily transfer by selling shares. Life of the business does not depend upon the life of the owner. Liabilities are limited, personal assets cannot be claimed. Disadvantages: So many legal formalities are required to run this business. Formation of this business is very difficult. Large amount of capital is required to run this business. Due to retain earning shareholders confidence may loss because shareholders want more dividends. Business which I have selected for Mr. Javed: Keeping in mind that Mr. Javed does not want to have partnership business. So I prefer Mr. Javed to start a business of sole proprietor because as I mentioned above it is easy to start, no legal formalities are required and less amount of capital is required. So I have come up with an idea of opening an educational institute, which should provide HND (Business) and HND (Computing) in Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa Pakistan, because number competitors are less and demand is getting higher day by day. HNDs studying formation is different and interesting as compared to the education system of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa. Mr. Javed will need more amount of 3 million for this project. There are some factors which will ensure success of this project which are discussed below. Factors which are important for the profitability: There are different factors which clearly show that this project is worth to start and is profitable. Some factors are given below. Advertisement: Advertisement plays great role in the success of any project before starting this projects people should be informed about this institute by advertising through T.V and billboards and through flyers etc. Special events of institute like parties and funfair etc should also be advertised by various methods. Choosing location: Choosing an appropriate location is the key to the success of this project. The building should be good. Location for this project should not be in such place where reaching for student is hard. Class rooms of institute: Classes should be well equipped with modern technologies that is should have good quality multi-media, well furniture for the students etc which will satisfy and increase interest of students. Staff: The main thing in this project is the selecting of the staff. Mr. Javed should hire well qualified teachers. Because it teacher who run an intuition. Staff on institute should visit each class regularly, because absentees will disappoint students. Reasonable fees: This institute should have reasonable fee. At the beginning institute must have as low fee as possible in order to compete competitors. Fee prices shouldnt be so high that people avoid this institute. Institute can increase fee with the passage of time. Scholarships: Institute should issue scholarship to the bright students this will attract more students toward institute and there should be extra curriculum activities in institute. Sports and Library: Institute should be limited to studies only there should be proper arrangement for the sports activities for the student so that they dont feel institute boring and there should well standard library in the institute which should have all the related course books and other books as well. Other facilities: Institute must have canteen in institute which should sell neat and clean foods and beverages, there should be internet facility in institute so that students face no problem in new researches. Different parties should be arranged by the institute because parties and different seminars attract students. Task for P1: Sources of finance defined: Basically there are two main sources of finance internal sources of finance and external sources of finance .Sources of finance means from where to make capital (money) in order to run business. There are different sources of finance which are explained below. Internal sources of finance: Definitely before starting business the owner will have some capital (money), it is not really mean cash but it also include building, machinery etc which is called as internal source. The more you have internal source less will be the burden of loan on the owner. (GCSE business studies Finance and Accounting) External sources of finance: It involves sources which are not owned by the owner like bank, government grant, and loan from friends, leasing, factoring etc. (GCSE business studies Finance and Accounting) Sources of finance available for Mr. Javed: There are different sources of finance available for Mr. Javed which is discussed below. Loan from Banks: Banks are external sources of finance. Banks in return takes interest on loan. Bank will provide you loan on the basis of four factors. Character: Bank will analyze your previous record like how have you been in returning loan of taken before. You character is checked. Collateral: Banks ask security for loan that is if tomorrow you are not capable of returning loan the will take that particular thing which you provided for loan security. Example bank will take legal document of land, building etc. Conditions: While taking loan from bank they might impost some legal condition of borrower like if you take loan from our bank you will not take loan from another bank till our loan is returned. Commitment: The bank checks the purpose of the loan. Banks will not give you loan for running illegal businesses. Banks overdraft: Short loan for a short period of time from loan is called as bank over drafting. The banks do charge you some interest on it and bank may impose some of their policies. Borrowing from individual: It involves taking loan from your colleagues, friends or relative which is called as borrowing from individuals. Individual in return takes interest. Individuals may provide you loan on below factors. Loan will returned within sound time. They charge interest. Franchising: When a successful business gives it patent and slogan to new business. This is called as franchising. There are two parties involved in franchising which is explained below. Franchisee: Franchisee is a party who uses patent and slogan. Franchiser: Franchiser is a party which provides patent and slogan. Leasing: Leasing is another source of finance. It is basically a contract between two persons, lessor and the lessee. Lessor: Lessor is the owner of the asset. Lessee: A person who uses asset is called as lessee. Explanation: It is used in such conditions when the person needs asset for some time and the agreement is established by lessor and lessee. There are two types of leasing. Operating lease: It is that type of lease which is for short period of time. Finance lease: Leasing for long period of time is called as finance leasing. Lessee is supposed to be the owner of the asset till the leasing agreement. Grants: When government provides asset, capital etc to our business this is called as grants. Government provides us grants when our business is helpful to society like providing employment for society etc. Factoring: It is that source of finance in which third is involved. This is called as factor organization. Basically it provides money against the security of invoices (client debtors). Factor organization provides you capital (money) up to 80% of the invoice value. Factor organization takes control of managing invoices. Example: A orders goods from B on credit. When B needs money, it will consult factor organization. So B will give its invoice to factor organization. After this B will be given 80% of the invoice then factor organization will take control of invoice. Invoice discounting: Concept of invoice discounting is as same as factoring but the only difference in factoring and invoice discounting is that in invoice discounting it does not have control of managing clients invoices. Hire purchase: (HP) It is also source of finance. When an individual or businesses buy goods on credit and pay money on installments is called as hire purchase. It is also consist of three parties which are. Finance manager Hire purchaser Supplier Hire purchase is similar to leasing, the only difference in leasing and hire purchase is that after completing installments of hire purchase you become owner of that good etc, while in leasing you do not become owner of that good etc after paying complete money. Debt securities: Securities are general term used for a promise to repay the debts. The company which provides security over debts is called as debentures. They are basically like a company takes loan from an individual. The company will repay the debt with interest in a certain time in the future. Both individuals and investors can use debt securities. Task for P2: Advantages and disadvantages of the sources of finance: There are different advantages and disadvantages of different sources of finance which are discussed below. Load from bank: Advantages: Banks may provide good amount of loan on the basis of your project. Banks also provide loans for long time. If borrower pays loaned amount before due date, banks may provide borrower with discount like decrease in interest rate etc. Disadvantages: Too much paper work is required to take loan from bank. Borrower must provide security for loan. Security provided for the loan can be taken as banks property if loaned amount is not paid. If loan borrower fails to payback loan on time interest rate may be increased by the bank. Loan from individuals: Advantages: It is simple and easily acquirable. Borrower does not need to provide security on taking loan. Lender may extend due date of paying back loan by negotiation of borrower. Personal assets can be claimed if loaned amount is not paid. Loan must be paid on time. Clashed may arise on late payment. Debt securities: Advantages: Company gains a lot of profit. Investors get profit by taking interests. In debt securities there a benefits of tax as well. Disadvantages: The investor will have to be given interest whether the company is in loss or in profit. Investor will be given their money on the time which is fixed in agreement. Banks overdrafts: Advantages: Too much paper work is not required by taking overdrafts from bank. Bank overdraft is good for short period of time. You dont need to give bank security while taking overdrafts from bank. Disadvantages: You can only take specific amount of overdraft which is provided by the bank. The bank may implement some of their policies like interest rate or specific time to give back over drafted amount. Bank might charge you on providing facility of overdraft. Hire Purchase: Advantages: Purchaser becomes owner of the asset after completing installments. After installments purchaser become owner of the asset. Disadvantages: Usually price of goods or assets are higher as compared to original price in hire purchase. Purchaser is not supposed to be the owner of the goods or assets till the completion of complete payment. If payment is not given lender can retake goods or assets back from hire purchaser. Leasing: Advantages: Lessee is supposed to be owner of the leased asset or good till the leasing agreement. Lessee gets the required asset or good without paying complete amount at a time. Inflation does not affect leasing because agreement once done cannot be changed until agreement date is finished. Disadvantages: Lessee does not become owner of the leased asset or good after paying complete amount as said in agreement. Leasing rates may vary after agreement is finished. Lessor does not have the right to change or to finish agreement before its finished date. Grants: Advantages: Grants are free. Grants do not require to be paid back. Disadvantages: Grants not given without proper rules and regulations. Difficult to achieve grants because they have tough competitors. Factoring: Advantages: Large amount of capital (money) is gained in short time. Factor organization takes control of clients invoices. This system helps in controlling cash flow problems and helps in maintaining good business Disadvantages: Clients usually do not like this source because factor organization will take payments from them. Factor organization charges interest and fees on providing services. Privacy becomes nil because clients invoices becomes invoices of factor organization. Franchising: Advantages: Franchisee does not need to spend money on advertisement and promotion. Franchisers cannot make another franchisee, where one franchisee is situated. Franchisee does not need to worry about customers because franchiser already has customers. Disadvantages: It is quite expensive. Franchisee will run business as guided by the franchisors. Franchisor might stop doing business in the future. Task for P3: Sources of finance which are viable for Mr. Javed: Mr. Javed will need finance of rupees 3 million more because in order to make this project successful Mr. Javed must have good amount of capital. .Plus Mr. Javed will need to take a building for institute will cost too much money. There are different sources of finance available for Mr. Javed, but most feasible sources for this project are Bank loan: Mr. Javed will need more amount of 3 million so the best source can be bank. Because banks offer loan for long time. Leasing: Leasing is important for Mr. Javed because for this project land (building) is important so buying building will cost Mr. Javed a lot so instead of buying building its better to lease building. Task for M1: Justifications and implications of advised sources: Bank Loan: Bank provides loan of large capital (Money). Loan can be taken from bank for long period of time. If the project earns profit by giving loan back to bank before due date Mr. Javed can get discount as well. Once you start relationship with bank, bank can further help you with more amount of money. Bank might offer Mr. Javed for partnership which will take place by will of Mr. Javed. Bank also provides discount in interest rate by paying loaned amount before due time. Leasing: It will be cheaper as compared to buy building for the project. Leasing is easily accessible. Building for leasing can be found everywhere Mr. Javed wants. If Mr. Javed earns profit if he wants to buy the leased building he can but this will take place after the will of lessor. Instead of buying building leasing is better because if Mr. Javed wants to shift his institute to somewhere else he would easily do that without having tension of selling bought building.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Etiology of Substance Abuse

Etiology of Substance Abuse â€Å"Drugs are a bet with your mind.† (Jim Morrison). People start taking drugs by their own choice. In early stages they feel stress-free and euphoric but as life goes on they start getting dependent on it and face difficulty to depart it from their lives. A true feelings and perceptions which abuser has for them are â€Å"I am sick and tired of being known as an addict.† (Arun et al.2004). To live with these perceptions are challenging but to abandon drugs is even more challenging for them. According to (DSM-IV), â€Å"Substance use disorders are now defined as maladaptive patterns of substance use leading to inability to control, use despite significant consequences†. According to National Institute of Drug Abuse (2014), Substance abuse has a lot of effects on society and cause deaths. Use of substance abuse in adolescent, adults and elderly people is creating problem to fulfill their responsibilities and its consequence are very much destructive. According to Annual prevalence of drug use in Pakistan (2012) as cited in UNODC (2013), an expected 5.8 percent of the people in Pakistan utilized illicit substances in the previous 12 months. 11 % of substance utilization was present in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 6.5 % of substances used in Sindh and 8.5 % of illicit substances used in Punjab. Substance abuse is referred as terrible deed as it violets societal standards and values by accelerating savage acts. This topic has a huge impact on individual lives, socioeconomic status, health care system and their psychology. Moreover in my clinical rotation, I encounter 25 years old lady being hospitalized for attempt to suicide. During our discussion, she confesse s that her husband is a substance abuser since 2 years and despite the fact she was pregnant, her husband beats him so badly that her baby abort. As this incident touches my heart which endorse me to write about this topic. This paper would profit the readers in a manner especially to those individuals who are indulge in substance abuse so they will know what elements cause substance abuse and how its perilous impacts effects on their lives. It will also talk about, what therapies individuals can approach to depart illicit substances from their lives. Some individuals are at higher risk of substance enslavement. No single variable can anticipate dependence on substance abuse. According to the recent Drug Use in Pakistan Technical Summary Report (2013), â€Å"an estimated 6 ·45 million (5 ·8%) people aged15–64 years in Pakistan used plant-based or synthetic drugs, or prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in the past 12 months†. (pp.2153). Alternately, there are a few causes that make an individual more inclined to it. The etiology of substance abuse in youth is divided into three classes i.e. Familial, Social, and Individual. Familial factors include childhood mal-treatment in which children could have physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect by parents so they grope dismissed and end into substance abusive behavior. According to Whitesell et al. (2013), â€Å"29% of children who experienced maltreatment participating in some level of substance†. (p.3). Additionally if any family member is abusin g drugs in front of child so they imitate same behavior as they perceive parents their role model. Research shown that parental substance abuse increases genetic predisposition for substance use disorder (Dunn et al. 2002). In my opinion parental training plays an essential part in guiding child about substance abuse matters and lack of education can incline a child for substance abuse. Other factors are marital status of parents, child perception that parents approve of their substance use. (Whitesell et al, 2013). Social elements that may include deviant peer relationship in which adolescence joins those gatherings who uses illicit substances. Teenagers who experience childhood in unsteady community conditions are really less vulnerable to deviant peer relationship. (Whitesell et al, 2013). In my opinion individuals affiliate themselves with distinctive gatherings and they imagine that utilizing substances make them popular. Research also supports that youths who classify themselves as famous have indicated to have expanded predominance of substance utilization when contrasted with those who dont recognize themselves† (Whitesell et al, 2013). According to Taylor et al. (2009), bulling is related to substance abuse behavior. 12 % individuals who suffered from bulling experienced life time use of alcohol. (Taylor et al, 2009). There are many individual factors that end up in substance abuse. One of them is depression; it encompasses feelings of sadness, pain, despair, or anger. In my opini on people use to abuse substances to cope from depression but it is also as vice versa because after usage of drugs depression cans occur. According to shafiq et al. (2006), In Pakistan 65% can lead depression I have seen many people in my community who are using illicit drugs because they feel that drugs can alleviate their stressful feelings. Transition of individual from adolescence to young, middle and older adult hood has increases burden in everyday life. Life stressors like financial burden, loss of job and poverty may trigger the use of illicit substances. According to Drug Abuse Master Plan (2010-2014), â€Å"In Pakistan 32 % of the opioid users were unemployed in the past six months† (p.7). People with mental problems also suffered from substance abuse problems. Research suggests that about 50 % of the individuals with psychiatric issues likewise experience the substance abuse problem. (chrome et al., 2009). Substance abuse has a lot of devasting impacts on abusers lives. They can be divided in to three domains i.e. physically, socially and psychologically. Physical impacts are, as abusers use syringes for administration of drugs and due to lack of syringes they apply contaminated syringes on each other which make them vulnerable to blood borne diseases like HIV and hepatitis C. As study also supported that, In Pakistan73% people uses same syringes as there more syringes are not available. (UNODC, 2013). High risk sexual behaviors are observed among drug abusers i.e. un- protected sex which leads to further sexually transmitted disease i.e. In Pakistan â€Å"36% reported having sex with those clients who are HIV positive†. (UNODC, 2013). As drugs impact our central nervous system so it causes different psychological impacts like anxiety in which people have feeling of uneasiness and disturbance in sleep is also common. Substance abuser can suffer from different mood disorders like bipolar disorder. According to moal et al. (2007), Study has revealed that more or less 35% of addicts met lifetime criteria for a mood issue and 45% for an anxiety issue. Substance abuser also suffers from aggression. (Moal et al. 2007). There are many social impacts of substance abuse. In my opinion Isolation can be one of them and on the other hand, absence of acknowledgement from society additionally makes them evade social collaborations. As I have observe in my community that couples fighting is very common and it can further cause separation. Usually people indulge themselves in so much addicted behaviors so they lose their jobs and financial burden increases. According to Angres et al. (2008), Substance abuse negatively impacts public safety, reduces workers, productivity, and contributes to higher healthcare costs, premature deaths, and disability. (pp.696).Abusers have risky behaviors which also detoriate their health. Prendergast (2009) affirms that substance abusers are involved in different criminal acts. Generally individuals crave for drugs and to satisfy their need they involved in criminal acts like robbery so they can purchase their drugs. Leisure et al, (2007) affirms that drug abusers are usually involve in gambling which increases financial burden. In substance abuse relapse is commonest among individuals. According to yaqub (2013), â€Å"Studies have revealed that the relapse rate in Pakistan is around 90%†. In theory brain reward mechanism in which addictive substances trigger brain reward circuit which in turn initiate certain behaviors. The effects of these abusive drugs on mesolimbic dopaminergic system are very serious and associated with creating rewarding effects. If this system does not work properly so it may create certain addictive properties. Dopamine expands extracellular; focus overriding the control of motivated and objective regulated behavior, which motivates them to take drugs. Certain medications are known to alter dopamine discharge and reuptake which modify reward system and increases uptake and relapse. (Eps et al. 2012). The congnitive behavior model of relapse tells about the high risk situations in which person is prone to have relapsed. He describe eight categories like how person interact with different people (â€Å"affect, coping, self-efficacy, outcome expectancies†) and certain environmental factors like (â€Å"asses to drugs, cue exposure and society influence†). It depend on individual that how he cope with these situations and it depend on him whether he uses substances or not. If individual decided and involve in substance abuse so they may suffer from AVE (Abstinence violation effect). AVE includes two things one affective response, in which person feels embarrassed and disgrace because he thinks he is responsible for this and second is cognitive domain which is based on attributional therapy, in which person perceived that this lapse is due to my personal factor and I cannot control them so he may have greater chances of relapse and if he thinks that it happens because of external factor and I can control it so relapse chances are deceased. (Marlatt and Witkiewitz, 2007). On my clinical I have encounter patient 15 years old with relapse of substance abuse. He verbalized me that he had left substance abuse for 3 months but because it was easily available and my friends influenced him so he took drugs and end up in relapse. If we related it to cognitive therapy of relapse environmental factors influence him to end up in relapse which created feeling of guilt and embarrassment It is recommended that government should arrange certain awareness programs on substance abuse. Not only have that media played vital role in substances promotion so government should band those advertisement. Government should create certain institutions and build certain rehabilitation centers in community which are in reasonable cost. More over certain therapies can help patient to quit substance abuse .These therapies are : In Motivational enhancement therapy, counseling approach is used and attempts to modify the behavior of substance abusers. MET is derived from Trans theoretical Model of Change. In this model counselor tend to change person behavior by five levels. In first level of Precontemplation individual does not consider his/her behavior problematic and don’t try to change it. In level two Contemplation people consider his challenging and think to modify it. In third level Preparation, person in this stage plans for a particular change. They assess and select measures for behavioral change. Another level is Action; in which individual is modify his behavior. The last level is maintenance in which individual try to maintain his new behavior and try to adjust new behavior in his surroundings. (Prochaska et al, 1992). Contingency Management Therapies is based on operant conditioning which was proposed by skinners in which desire behavior is achieved by reward and punishment. The positive behavior which have given reward will be more likely to repeat for example when client has positive behavior so we can provide different gifts and voucher and if undesirable behavior exist so punishment should be there. (Carroll onken, 2005). Moreover with therapies we can likewise provide certain interventions. Substance abuse is a problem which cant drive away instantly and it requires significant time for individual to recuperate from it. At community level we can take some measures to prevent substance abuse. According to National Institute of Drug Abuse, you have to develop a community plan in which the first step is â€Å"Assessment†. In assessment we will identify the population who are abusers and who are at risk for becoming abusers like people with low- economic status. In second step is â€Å"Build† we will try to identify resources for example we need for different awareness programs in community. Than third we will build â€Å"Short term goals† than after achieving short term goals we will run projects and simultaneously observe efficacy of preventive plan. According to National Institute of Drug Abuse affirms that Family-based preventive projects ought to strong family attachment and con nections examining and uses different family approaches to alleviate on substance abuse. In conclusion substance abuse is tremendously common issue among individuals. There are numerous reasons which are responsible for substance abuses in youth are familial, social and individual factors. As Age progresses, the risk of consumption of substances in adults also increases. The reasons behind substance abuse in adults are unemployment, poverty, traumatic events and any psychiatric problem. Substance abuse has a considerable amount of negative impacts physically, socially and psychologically. Even after treatment, some individuals again end up with state of relapse. Cognitive behavior therapy of relapse tells us about the risk factors that lead relapse. Some more therapies like motivational enhancement therapy and contingency Management Therapies help us to modify behavior of substance abusers. In my opinion we can develop insight in abusers and can modify their behavior. I would like to end up with quotation â€Å"Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It has to be treated as a health problem†. (Ralph Nader).

Monday, August 19, 2019

What Is A Feminist? :: essays research papers

FEM-I-NIST n. A person who is involved in the movement advocating the granting of the same social, political and economic rights to women as the ones granted to men. When asking the question, "What is a feminist?," I received some very strange responses. When I posed this question, the people who answered seemed to be confused about their own beliefs. The question was also much more controversial than I had anticipated. The group that I asked was comprised of six females and four males, and was only moderately ethnically diverse (being one African-American, one multiracial person and one Israeli). They had many ideas about what it meant to be a feminist. Going into this assignment, I assumed that everyone would have the same ideas about feminism that I did. I believe that a feminist can be many different types of people. My definition includes women who are not afraid of their own power, and are not afraid of the power of the patriarchal society, and stands up for what they believe in throughout every aspect of their life. There are also male feminists who recognize some of the wrongs that have been done to women, and support the movement to change them. A feminist can be the militant, angry female who thinks that men are against her or the soft-spoken pro-choice woman who believes in her right to choose her own health care. I believe that feminists come in all shapes and sizes, and may not be able to fit into the label that encompasses them. In my experiment, people's view of feminism came in two varieties. One version of answers focused on a positive view of feminism. After posing the question, a friend of mine named Katrina immediately responded, feminism is the "reason why you can have a bank account in your own name." Another friend, who considers herself a feminist, said that feminism is "a person who believes in complete equality; socially, economically and otherwise, between males and females." She also said "because we live in a heteropatriarchy, (feminism includes) going out of your way to support women and help lessen the gap - I will be post-feminist in the post patriarchy." I also heard from a friend named Beth that "a feminist is someone who believes in equal rights for women, even in football". She thinks that they "go out and fight, sometimes bra-less." Greta says that a feminist is "a person who respects and is considerate towards women's rights and will do anything in their power to achieve them.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

High Heels Essay -- Fashion Shoes Papers

High Heels "To be carried by shoes, winged by them. To wear dreams on one's feet is to begin to give reality to one's dreams." -Roger Vivier Shoes of every make and style are loved by women across the globe but it is the heel, whether stiletto or platform that is coveted, adored, desired in such abundance simply in and of the shoe itself. They're everywhere. They run rampant in books, calendars, photographs, album and movie covers, dangling in miniature precious metal versions from earlobes and chains, women's closets and even their living rooms, and let's not forget their most important place of residence- women's feet. They're a constant obsession in pop culture, endlessly talked about and fetishized in television, movies, song lyrics, and seem to be worn without fail by glamorous celebrities no matter the occasion. The most notorious of the shoe loving pop culture media is of the smash HBO series Sex and the City, in which shoes are one of its main themes. Cast of Sex and the City at,1518,grossbild-233666-286899,00.html What's in a shoe? Perhaps it was originally intended to protect one's feet from the elements but today the shoe has evolved from its practical origins to grandiose heights, and at the highest level is of course, the high heel. Heels are not something one simply wears on their feet, but a passion, hobby, personal expression, source of authority, sexual independence, staple of gendered feminine culture, mark of flaunted femininity, psychologically empowering, and joy. Women choose to wear high heels for many reasons; the key is that they indeed are the ones who proactively choose to endorse the high heel, often at the expense of their own physical com... ...t the decision to wear high heels is one way to rebel within a system. Women who wear these tall heel it because they like to, for their own pleasure. Whether they like the erotic connotations, excitement, height, delicate structures, dangerous points, phallic penetrative qualities, royal history, haughty independence, aesthetic beauty or a confusing combination of all of that and more, women who love high heels do so of their own volition and desire. Manolo Blahnik, the "high priest of high heels" (Benstock & Ferriss) sums up the patronizing idea that women should be pitied for their chose and love of high heels. He was once asked if he, "ever felt sorry for all those women teetering through their lives on the spikiest of high-heeled shoes," to which he responded, "Oh, my God, how could I feel sorry for them? Sorry. Sorry for who? They love it." (Specter, 388)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Desire of Human Trafficking

Compton Saul 2/11/2013 The Desire of Human Trafficking Human trafficking is considered to be the equivalent to modern day slavery. Even judging by the definition, human trafficking has a very negative term. Human trafficking, in many articles, is described as â€Å"the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor† (â€Å"Human Trafficking†). Human trafficking is becoming more and more of a problem and it has caught the attention of the UN. The UN is seeing that human trafficking is affecting the economies of countries and is morally wrong.One of the countries that suffers significantly from human trafficking is the Philippines. History The Philippines has become increasingly vulnerable to human trafficking. This is partly due to the country’s economic difficulty. About 11 million Filipinos work overseas to help their family still living in the Philippines. A specific reason that Filipinos go overseas is b ecause there are not many jobs in the Philippines. The economy leaves many Filipinos looking for jobs in different places that many believe will give them money to support their family. As a result of this, many female Filipinos are lured into human trafficking.The females are promised a respectable job to support their families. A typical Filipino led to believe that they are moving abroad to get a good job that will support her family, this trick that led them into slavery Females are not the only individuals who get tricked into human trafficking. Men and children also are involved in human trafficking. According to a human trafficking website, â€Å"women and children are trafficked within the country for forced begging, and for exploitation in the commercial sex industry† (â€Å"Human trafficking†). Filipinos are trafficked from rural areas to urban areas.In the Philippines, traffickers, in partnership with organized crime syndicates and complicit law enforcement officers, regularly operate through fraudulent recruitment agencies to traffic migrants. â€Å"The workers are often treated with violence, abuse, inhumane living conditions, nonpayment of salaries, and withholding of travel and identity documents this to leaving them with no way out† (â€Å"Human trafficking†). Historically, the Philippines have no sustainable jobs to maintain a typical Filipino family. This is why human trafficking is dramatically increasing in the Philippines by the factors they face (â€Å"Human Trafficking†). UnemploymentThe Philippines have limited jobs to support the Filipino population. Most Families get their income from overseas. This is true is because there are very little jobs available in the Filipino economy. As a consequence, many Filipinos are unemployed and fail to live a reasonable life. Unemployment in the Philippines is more widespread in the urban areas than in rural areas. The in depth reason why is because in rural areas many of the jobs involve agriculture jobs. This makes it easy for the populations that live in rural areas to be employed. Compared to rural resident, the urban population lacks the resources to earn jobs.This leaves most of the urban population unemployed with no jobs and income. Other factors like population growth and poverty leaves many families unemployed. The few jobs Filipinos are able to get are not able to support their household, making it hard for them to rely on the job. (â€Å"Trafficking In Persons Report 2012†) The Process of Recruited Victims Human trafficking often begins in the slums of the Philippines. Many of the victims who are recruited are children and women. Traffickers offer good jobs, but most individuals are tricked into to free labor.This is a reason as to why a typical Filipino is willing to go along with human trafficking. They see this as a ticket way to get away from the slums and to a better life. I emphasize on better life because many Filipi no are trying to survive from the poverty they deal with on daily bases. The trafficker strives on the Filipinos hopes and aspirations to hoax the citizen into working for them. Most of the victims are paid up front to show that the traffickers are trustworthy. Female Filipinos are usually promised waitressing jobs, but are manipulated into another form of labor, such as prostitution.Human traffickers also have a tendency to harass the family, making their daughters or children work for them. No Choices Many Filipino women still continue to go back to human trafficking because they believe there no other choices. The Filipino women, knowing the consequences, still continue to endure the horrible treatment in order to support their family. Many of the females believe that since there aren’t many available jobs, they must continue to endure these bad conditions. Many of the women believe that it’s their only option and that it is the right thing to do in order to help th eir family.Since they are limited by jobs, many Filipino women believe this would help their families by having something to provide for them. Filipino women then, as a result, continue to fall prey to human trafficking. Many Filipinos see this as a ticket to a better life where they can escape the economic difficulty. Typical Filipino families have nothing to support their family because they live in poverty. The individuals involved in this human trafficking often bring their daughters or other younger females into the process, solely because they believe that they are doing the right thing in providing for them.Conclusion The Filipino government understands that human trafficking is an immense problem in their country. The Philippine government and others have tried taking steps in preventing human trafficking. Concern for the help of many Filipinos is prominent because of the labor they have to work for. As stated in the Human Trafficking article, â€Å"the majority of children work as labors and unskilled workers, and are often exposed to hazardous working environment in industries such as mining, fishing, pyrotechnic production, domestic service, garbage scavenging, and agriculture, especially sugar cane plantations. This news catches the eyes of the government and Filipino organizations that want to prevent harsh acts towards children. One person that tries to limit and prevent human trafficking is CECILIA FLORES-OEBANDA. Ms. Cecilia Flores-Oebanda is the Founder and Director of the Visayan Forum Foundation (VFI) (â€Å"Human Trafficking†). The foundation tries to better the lives of the Filipino citizens who believe they have no choices, and result to human trafficking.The foundation tries and helps families that live in poverty so that they don’t turn to human trafficking. The foundation understands that it is the people that live in poverty that are tricked or have bondage with human trafficking. To conclude, human trafficking is the m odern day slavery. The factors that contribute to human trafficking are poverty, unemployment and economic stability (â€Å"Human trafficking†). These factors are what lead the Filipino population to believe that human trafficking will give them a better life.

Avro Arrow

Avro Arrow Since the dawn of mankind, humans have always wanted to conquer the skies. After the Wright Brothers first flight, mankind has dreamed of bigger and better aircrafts. Shortly after World War ll a company named Avro Aircraft Limited was assigned the job by the Royal Canadian Air Force to build supersonic twin engine interceptor which could defend Canada against Soviet Bombers during the Cold War. With a plant in Milton, Ontario and 14 000 employees, Avro Aircraft Limited built and manufactured ones of the greatest planes in aviation history.The plane was a masterpiece; it flew at nearly mach 2 and had futuristic technologies which would match up to planes from today. The Avro Arrow program turned out to be a huge waste of the effort and money, as it was cancelled less than a year later. There can be many reasons why it was cancelled but the biggest was the immense pressure put on Diefenbaker by President Eisenhower and the United States Air Force. Other reasons could be bec ause of its huge price tag, a new emerging era of anti-aircraft technologies, or the fact that it had many little flaws in its design.Terminating the Avro Arrow program was the right and smarter thing to do by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and his Conservative Government. The Avro Arrow was a Canadian marvel but came with a huge price tag. The program cost hundreds of millions of more than the estimated price. Originally the Royal Canadian Air Force wanted 40 aircrafts for an estimated $118 million but, the price tag for the interceptor rose from 2 million to 12, and at the same time demand for interceptors fell as the world entered the age of long-range missiles.When Prime Minister John Diefenbaker cancelled the program the price tag stood at $247 million for the aircraft and $132 million for the Iroquois engines. A total cost of $374 million for a bunch of scrap metal. Clearly the project wasn’t worth as much as they were spending. The company’s estimations were wa y off and the project turned out to cost one-eighteenth of the total national budget, which was money that the government didn’t have to spare and could have used for cheaper alternative defensive mechanisms.In the mid 50’s the world was entering a new era of anti-aircraft missile technologies and smarter missiles were being invented. As Canada was busily trying to find buyers for the Avro Arrow, the Americans were also hard at work trying to sell their BOMARC missiles. When Canada tried to sell the Arrow to the Americans, they tried to sell their BOMARC missiles to Canada. Unfortunately, Canada failed to sell the Avro Arrow to any nation. Instead the newly elected Conservatives cancelled the Avro Arrow program and decided to buy $200 million worth of BOMARC missiles.With the purchase of the missiles, the Canadians signed the NORAD (North American Air Defense) agreement which made Canada a partner in command and control when it came to attacks and threats in Canadian/A merican airspace. Also it gave RCAF a chance to learn and share secret Air Defense information with the USAF. The BOMARC missile had the same range as the Avro Arrows. The difference was that the missiles were much cheaper and were a more feasible option for the Canadian air-force and the government’s budget.The Avro Arrow had flaws in its design which didn’t let it be at one hundred percent. One of the major flaws that the Arrow had was its limited fuel capacity. It could only carry approximately 10 000 lbs of jet fuel, which meant it had very limited range. The range was such a concern that the Royal Canadian Air Force had to build many special airfields in the North because the Air-force was worried that if the Avro Arrow went on a mission, it would be able to return by refueling in the airfields because it wouldn’t have enough fuel to go and comeback on one tank full.The plane also couldn’t pass some RCAF regulations which meant spending millions more just to fix the issues. The major problems were with the avionics and fire-control of the aircrafts. There were some minor incidences as well, during flight testing the landing gears failed during two separate occasions making the RCAF questioning the aircrafts capabilities. A lot of these problems left the Avro Arrow ineffective during many scenarios.Clearly it was smarter to invest in missiles which could get the job done easier and would cost less than half the price of the existing program. Cancelling the Avro Arrow program was a better and more economically stable decision by John Diefenbaker and his government. The program cost way too much money for our nation to afford. The program turned out to be a complete disaster and a huge waste of time and money.With a new era of anti-aircraft technologies emerging, the government found missiles to be much cheaper than interceptors and just as effective. With the BOMARC missiles we also got a bonus by having the Americans as our part nered Allies with whom we could share our defense techniques with. Due to the complications with the designs the Avro Arrow had many problems too expensive to solve with the existing price tag. The government clearly made the right and smarter decision by cancelling the Avro Arrow program.